templates/base.html.twig line 1

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  5.     <title>
  6.         {% block title %}
  7.             {% if annonceurName is defined %}
  8.                 {{ annonceurName }} -
  9.             {% endif %}
  10.             Animation
  11.         {% endblock %}</title>
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  33.         {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }}
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  37.         {% if advertiser_management.getCurrentAdvertiser %}
  38.             {% include 'advertiser_theme.html.twig' %}
  39.         {% endif %}
  40.     {% endblock %}
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  48. <body class="hold-transition skin-ble sidebar-collapse sidebar-mini {% block bodyclass %}{% endblock %} {% if app.request.get('_route') == "index" %}homepage{% endif %}">
  49.     {% if access_management.getMainRequest.get('_route') is not null %}
  50.         {# {% set currentPath = path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'), app.request.attributes.get('_route_params')) %} #}
  51.         {% set currentPath = access_management.getMainRequest.attributes.get('_route') %}
  52.     {% else %}
  53.         {% set currentPath = "" %}
  54.     {% endif %}
  55. <div class="wrapper">
  56.     <!-- Main Header -->
  57.     <header class="main-header">
  58.         <!-- Header Navbar -->
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  62.                 <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>      
  63.             </a>
  64.             {% set advertiserId = advertiser_management.getCurrentAdvertiser.id %}
  65.             {% set advertiser = advertiser_management.getCurrentAdvertiser %}
  66.             {#{% if user is not defined %}
  67.                 {% set user = app.user %}
  68.             {% endif %}#}
  69.             {% set user = user_management.getUser() %}
  70.             <div class="navbar-item mobile hide">
  71.                 <span class="logo-label">{% if advertiser.appName == '' %}Staci{% else %}{{ advertiser.appName|capitalize }}{% endif %}</span>
  72.             </div>
  73.             <!-- Navbar Right Menu -->
  74.             <div class="navbar-custom-menu">
  75.                 <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
  76.                     <!-- Control Sidebar Toggle Button -->
  77.                     {#<li>
  78.                       <a href="#" data-toggle="control-sidebar"><i class="fa fa-gears"></i></a>
  79.                     </li>#}
  80.                     {% set opeGlobale = content_management.getOperationGlobale(advertiser) %}
  81.                     {% if access_management.getFunctionalityRight(user, advertiser, 'canOrderFurnitureGlobal') and opeGlobale != null %}
  82.                         <li class="navbar-item order">
  83.                             <a class="clear-before-command" data-id="{{ opeGlobale.id }}" href="/operation-order/new-furniture/{{ opeGlobale.id }}"><i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i>{{ 'Commander' | trans }}</a>
  84.                         </li>
  85.                     {% endif %}
  86.                     {% if access_management.checkUrl("operation_order_index") %}
  87.                         <li class="navbar-item desktop">
  88.                             <a href="{{ path('operation_order_index') }}"><i class="icon-icon-commandes"></i>{{ 'Mes commandes' | trans }}</a>
  89.                         </li>
  90.                     {% endif %}
  91.                     {% if access_management.checkUrl("download") %}
  92.                         <li class="navbar-item desktop download">
  93.                             <a href="{{ path('download') }}"><i class="icon-icon-files"></i>{{ 'Mes téléchargements' | trans }}</a>
  94.                         </li>
  95.                     {% endif %}
  96.                     {% if user_management.isAdmin %}
  97.                         <li class="navbar-item desktop">
  98.                             <div class="select-custom select-admin">
  99.                                 <select id="advertiser_dropdown" name="advertiser_dropdown">
  100.                                     {% for advertiser in advertiser_management.getAdvertisers %}
  101.                                         {% set advertiserUrl = advertiser_management.getAbsoluteUrl(advertiser.subdomain)   %}
  102.                                         {% if advertiser_management.getCurrentAdvertiser.id == advertiser.id %}
  103.                                             <option value="{{ advertiserUrl }}" selected>{{ advertiser.title }}</option>
  104.                                         {% else %}
  105.                                             <option value="{{ advertiserUrl }}">{{ advertiser.title }}</option>
  106.                                         {% endif %}
  107.                                     {% endfor %}
  108.                                 </select>
  109.                             </div>
  110.                         </li>
  111.                     {% endif %}
  112.                     <li class="dropdown user menu-user">
  113.                         <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle-user">
  114.                             {#<div class="user-image {% if advertiser.logo %}with-img {% else %}with-icon{% endif %}" {% if advertiser.logo %}style="background-image:url(/{{ obfuscator.generateUrl(advertiser.logo) }});"{% endif %}>#}
  115.                             <div class="user-image with-icon">
  116.                                 <i class="icon-icon-user"></i>
  117.                                {#{% if advertiser.logo %}
  118.                                     <img width="150"
  119.                                          src="/{{ advertiser.logo }}">
  120.                                 {% endif %}#}
  121.                             </div>
  122.                             {% if user is defined and user is not empty %}
  123.                             <span class="user-more">
  124.                                 <span class="hidden-xs">{{ user.firstname }} {{ user.lastname }}</span>
  125.                             </span>
  126.                             {% endif %}
  127.                         </a>
  128.                         {% if user is defined and user is not empty %}
  129.                             <div class="user-more dropdown-menu">
  130.                                 <div>
  131.                                     <div class="user-main-infos">
  132.                                         <div class="user-name">
  133.                                             <span class="">{{ user.firstname }} {{ user.lastname }}</span>
  134.                                         </div>
  135.                                         {% if user.email is defined %}
  136.                                             <div class="user-info email"><i class="icon-icon-mail"></i>{{ 'Email' | trans }} : <span>{{ user.email }}</span></div>
  137.                                         {% endif %}
  138.                                     </div>
  139.                                     {% if user.regions|length > 0 %}
  140.                                         <div class="user-info">
  141.                                             {{ 'Région' | trans }} :
  142.                                             {% for region in user.regions %}
  143.                                                 {{ region.title }}
  144.                                             {% endfor %}
  145.                                         </div>
  146.                                     {% endif %}
  147.                                     {% if user.businessUnits|length > 0 %}
  148.                                         <div class="user-info">
  149.                                             {{ 'Bu' | trans }} :
  150.                                             {% for businessUnit in user.businessUnits %}
  151.                                                 {{ businessUnit.title }}
  152.                                             {% endfor %}
  153.                                         </div>
  154.                                     {% endif %}
  155.                                 </div>
  156.                                 {% if access_management.checkUrl("operation_order_index") %}
  157.                                     <div class="user-commands-mobile">
  158.                                         <a href="{{ path('operation_order_index') }}"><i class="icon-icon-commandes"></i>{{ 'Mes commandes' | trans }}</a>
  159.                                     </div>
  160.                                 {% endif %}
  161.                                 {% if user_management.isAdmin %}
  162.                                 <div class="dropdown-menu-mobile">
  163.                                     <div class="select-custom select-admin">
  164.                                         <select id="advertiser_dropdown_mobile" name="advertiser_dropdown_mobile">
  165.                                             {% for advertiser in advertiser_management.getAdvertisers %}
  166.                                                 {% set advertiserUrl = advertiser_management.getAbsoluteUrl(advertiser.subdomain)   %}
  167.                                                 {% if advertiser_management.getCurrentAdvertiser.id == advertiser.id %}
  168.                                                     <option value="{{ advertiserUrl }}" selected>{{ advertiser.title }}</option>
  169.                                                 {% else %}
  170.                                                     <option value="{{ advertiserUrl }}">{{ advertiser.title }}</option>
  171.                                                 {% endif %}
  172.                                             {% endfor %}
  173.                                         </select>
  174.                                     </div>
  175.                                 </div>
  176.                                 {% endif %}
  177.                                 <div class="footer-user-more">
  178.                                     <a class="menu-logout" href="{{ path('logout') }}" title="{{ 'Déconnexion' | trans }}"><i class="fa fa-power-off"></i>{{ 'Se déconnecter' | trans }}</a>
  179.                                 </div>
  180.                             </div>
  181.                         {% endif %}
  182.                     </li>
  183.                 </ul>
  184.             </div>
  185.         </nav>
  186.     </header>
  187.     <!-- Left side column. contains the logo and sidebar -->
  188.     <aside class="main-sidebar bgcolor-1">
  189.         <div class="sidebar-header">
  190.             <!-- Logo -->
  191.             <div class="brand-sidebar group-logo">
  192.                 <a href="{{ path('index') }}" class="logo">
  193.                     <div class="logo-lg">
  194.                         {% if advertiser %}
  195.                             {% if advertiser.logoName  %}
  196.                                 <img width="150" src="{{ obfuscator.generateUrl(vich_uploader_asset(advertiser, 'logoFile')) }}">
  197.                             {% else %}
  198.                                 <h2>{{ advertiser.subdomain|capitalize }}</h2>
  199.                             {% endif %}
  200.                         {% else %}
  201.                             <li class="center bg-none">
  202.                                 <img width="150" src="{{ asset('logo/') }}staci-logo.png">
  203.                             </li>
  204.                         {% endif %}
  205.                     </div>
  206.                     <div class="logo-mini">
  207.                     </div>
  208.                     <span class="logo-label">{{ advertiser.appName|capitalize }}</span>
  209.                 </a>
  210.             </div>
  211.         </div>
  213.         <!-- sidebar: style can be found in sidebar.less -->
  214.         <section class="sidebar-custom">
  215.             <div class="sidebar-white">
  216.                 <ul class="sidebar-menu">
  217.                     <li class="{% if 'homepage' in currentPath %} active {% endif %}">
  218.                         {% set homepage = content_management.getHomepage(advertiser) %}
  219.                         <a href="/"><i class="icon-icon-actualite"></i><span>{{ 'Accueil' | trans }}</span></a>
  220.                     </li>
  221.                     {% if null != user %}
  222.                         {% set dashboard = content_management.getCurrentDashboard(user) %}
  223.                         <li class="{% if 'dashboard' in currentPath %} active {% endif %}">
  224.                             {% if null != dashboard %}
  225.                                  <a href="/dashboard/{{ dashboard.id }}"><i class="icon-icon-dashboard"></i><span>{{ 'Dashboard' | trans }}</span></a>
  226.                             {% endif %}
  227.                         </li>
  228.                     {% endif %}
  229.                 </ul>
  230.             </div>
  231.             {% if currentPath == "index" or currentPath == 'operation_index' or currentPath == 'operation_order_index' or currentPath == 'operation_order_report' or currentPath == 'operation_order_subregions' %}
  232.                 <div class="family-choose-sidebar sidebar-white">
  233.                     {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\Advertiser\\Generic\\GenericOperationFamilyController::choose')) }}
  234.                 </div>
  235.             {% endif %}
  236.             {% if advertiser_management.isDefaultAdvertiser(advertiser) %}
  237.                 {%
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  243.                             {'path': 'advertiser_index', 'label':  'Liste des annonceurs'},
  244.                             {'path': 'agency_index', 'label':  'Liste des agences'},
  245.                         ],
  246.                     },
  247.                     {
  248.                         'label': 'Gestion',
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  250.                         'items': [
  251.                             {'path': 'user_index', 'label':  'Liste des utilisateurs'},
  252.                         ],
  253.                     },
  254.                 ]
  255.                 %}
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  263.                         {'path': 'business_unit_index', 'label':  'Liste des Business units'},
  264.                         {'path': 'category_index', 'label':  'Liste des catégories'},
  265.                         {'path': 'action_type_index', 'label':  'Liste des types d\'actions'},
  266.                         {'path': 'season_index', 'label':  'Liste des seasons'},
  267.                         {'path': 'operation_family_index', 'label':  'Liste des familles d\'opérations'},
  268.                         {'path': 'operation_type_index', 'label':  'Liste des types d\'opérations'},
  269.                         {'path': 'furniture_index', 'label':  'Liste des fournitures'},
  270.                         {'path': 'furniture_range_index', 'label':  'Liste des gammmes de fournitures'},
  271.                         {'path': 'furniture_stock_index', 'label':  'Liste des stocks de fournitures'},
  272.                         {'path': 'refrigeratorbin_index', 'label':  'Liste des bacs frais'},
  273.                         {'path': 'shop_type_index', 'label':  'Liste des types des boutiques'},
  274.                         {'path': 'shop_class_index', 'label':  'Liste des classes des boutiques'},
  275.                         {'path': 'speaker_index', 'label':  'Liste des intervenants'},
  276.                         {'path': 'public_holiday_index', 'label':  'Liste des jours fériés'},
  277.                         {'path': 'role_index', 'label':  'Liste des roles'},
  278.                         {'path': 'right', 'label':  'Gérer des droits'},
  279.                         {'path': 'translation_index', 'label':  'Gérer les traductions'},
  280.                     ],
  281.                     },
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  283.                         'label': 'Gestion',
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  286.                         {'path': 'region_index', 'label':  'Liste des régions'},
  287.                         {'path': 'user_index', 'label':  'Liste des utilisateurs'},
  288.                         {'path': 'brand_index', 'label':  'Liste des marques'},
  289.                         {'path': 'shop_sign_index', 'label':  'Liste des enseignes'},
  290.                         {'path': 'shop_index', 'label':  'Liste des boutiques'},
  291.                         {'path': 'deficiency_index', 'label':  'Liste des carences'},
  292.                         {'path': 'dashboard_index', 'label':  'Liste des dashboard'},
  293.                         {'path': 'page_index', 'label':  'Liste des pages'},
  294.                         {'path': '/homepage/' ~ homepage.id ~ '/edit', 'label':  'Editer la homepage'},
  295.                         {'path': 'log_index', 'label':  'Liste des logs'},
  296.                     ],
  297.                     },
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  301.                         'items': [
  302.                             {'path': 'operation_index', 'label':  'Liste des opérations'},
  303.                             {'path': 'operation_order_subregions', 'label':  'Commandes par secteur'},
  304.                             {'path': 'operation_order_report', 'label':  'Reporting commandes'},
  305.                         ],
  306.                     },
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  308.                 %}
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  312.                 {% if pages|length > 0 %}
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  314.                         <a href="#">
  315.                             <i class="icon-icon-commandes"></i><span>{{ 'Informations' | trans }}</span>
  316.                         </a>
  317.                         <ul class="treeview-menu {% if 'page' in currentPath or 'news' in currentPath %} open {% endif %}">
  318.                             <li class="{% if 'news' in currentPath %}active{% endif %}"><a href="/news">{{ 'Actualités' | trans }}</a></li>
  319.                             {% for page in pages %}
  320.                                 <li><a href="/page/{{ page.id }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
  321.                             {% endfor %}
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  329.                             {% set liDisplay = true %}
  330.                         {% endif %}
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  338.                             {#<ul class="treeview-menu {% for item in tab.items %}{% if path(item.path) == currentPath or (app.request.get('_route') == "index" and tab.label == 'Exploitation') %} open {% endif %}{% endfor %}">#}
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  341.                                     {% if item.path|slice(0, 10) == '/homepage/' %}
  342.                                         {% if access_management.getFunctionalityRight(user, advertiser, 'canEditHp') %}
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  344.                                                 <a href="{{ item.path }}">{{ item.label | trans }}</a>
  345.                                             </li>
  346.                                         {% endif %}
  347.                                     {% else %}
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  350.                                                 {% if item.path|slice(0, 1) == '/' %}
  351.                                                     <a href="{{ item.path }}">{{ item.label | trans }}</a>
  352.                                                 {% else %}
  353.                                                     <a href="{{ path(item.path) }}">{{ item.label | trans }}</a>
  354.                                                 {% endif %}
  355.                                             </li>
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  357.                                     {% endif %}
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  380.                     {{ message | trans }}
  381.                 </div>
  382.             {% endfor %}
  383.             {% for message in app.flashes('success') %}
  384.                 <div class="flash-success">
  385.                     {{ message | trans }}
  386.                 </div>
  387.             {% endfor %}
  388.             {% for message in app.flashes('error') %}
  389.                 <div class="flash-error">
  390.                     {{ message | trans }}
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